Spring 2016 Messenger

The Biannual Newsletter of Region Six of Overeaters Anonymous

Table of Contents:

  1. Region 6 Chair Article
  2. Region 6 Trustee Article
  3. OA Members Share
  4. Unapproved Fall Assembly Minutes
  5. Committee Reports

Messenger Chair Message

My name is Debbie H., and I am a grateful compulsive overeater. Thank you for electing me your Region 6 Chair. I am humbled and honored at the responsibility you have entrusted to me.

My journey started almost eleven years ago. I don’t count days or months, as that would mean to me “I have it”. I wake up each morning with my goal to be the best Debbie that I can be “just for today”. I have strung together a boatload of “just for today”s. When I think about it, my most difficult, stressful, and catastrophic times have happened while I have been in OA. I have a close and strong relationship with my Higher Power. By going to meetings; using the steps, traditions, concepts, and tools; and listening to all who have come before me, I have emerged successful over my adversities. I have learned to handle my joys and good times with appreciation for all that has been given to me.

I am learning each day what I need to do to be a successful, competent chair. OA has taught me to ask questions when I don’t know what to do or where to look.

The present board members are guiding me in what chores and jobs I need to take care of. Past board members help direct and remind me that success and ability takes time, effort, and repetition.

My predecessor is an angel, mentor, and counselor. She instructs, guides, and leads me in the next right direction. She gently repeats something when I get lost in a task. Like a sponsor, she is always available to me. That’s what I am: imperfect but trying. My thanks to her is immeasurable.

Because I know the acronym S.H.A.M.E. (Should Have Already Mastered Everything), I am reminded that asking for help is absolutely the correct action to take. I was blonde long before my hair was this color. I am not so willful that I refuse to seek help.

My time management skills are essential in dealing with the emails, tasks, and phone calls I must do every day. This service is a labor of love.

I am open to suggestions and comments and welcome your emails. Please feel free to contact me, that I may become a better trusted servant.

I look forward to serving you and thank you for your faith in me.

Yours in service,

Debbie H.

Region 6 Chair

Messenger Tstee Message

My name is Karin and I am a compulsive overeater. I am very grateful to be serving as the Region 6 Trustee. I am writing this article after a very busy fall of travelling and OA service. I just returned from the November Board of Trustee (BOT) meetings in Albuquerque, NM which was a very productive time. We approved the budget for 2016 and approved funding from the Delegate Support Fund for intergroups to attend the 2016 World Service Business Conference (including 2 intergroups from Region 6). We approved the revised document, “Guidelines for Membership Retention.” I also served on 3 Board committees; Convention 2016, Strategic Planning, and Convention 2020 Site selection. These committees all met as well.

I encourage you to spend some time on oa.org. There is a wealth of information on there and be sure to check out the, “What’s New” section. The website is also in the process of being redesigned.

New: The Guide to Carrying the Message is a free download on oa.org. It has great suggestions of what to say and what not to say when speaking to someone about OA for the first time. It is also available as a pocket card.

Also new is an online video, “Breaking out of Relapse”. This is a great resource for members in relapse.

This has been another busy but fun year for me as trustee. I led 4 Service Traditions and Concepts workshops. It is a lot of fun getting to know members from around the region sharing my experience, strength, and hope and hearing yours. I led a retreat, attended 2 R6 Assemblies, and 4 BOT meetings. I also ‘Reached out for Recovery’ in Hartford, CT on Oct 23-25 at the Region 6 Convention. It was a great event. 485 people attended and we raised $21,000!

When a meeting registers with the World Service Office to become a group they agree to comply with the definition of an OA group and the OA Bylaws, Subpart B. They agree to practice the 12 Traditions among other things. The Twelve Traditions are very important to the survival of each OA group. They provide the principles that keep the group strong and healthy – which is vital to the growth and life of OA. Tradition 6 says, “An OA group ought never endorse, finance or lend the OA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money,

property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.” The principle of Tradition 6 is Solidarity. Simply put from the kid’s version of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions (which is a free download on oa.org) it says, “We never let the OA name be used with anything that is not part of OA.”

Tradition 6 cautions us to stick to our primary purpose of carrying the message of twelve-step recovery to compulsive overeaters who still suffer. We refrain from involvement with or endorsement of outside issues, causes, or enterprises, so as not to lose our focus on our program and path to recovery. We do not endorse other Twelve Step fellowships. We use and distribute only OA-approved literature. We should not use the OA telephone list to solicit business sales. We don’t do anything that interferes with our ability to carry the message. Those who suffer from the misery of compulsive eating need to hear about the solution found in working the Twelve Steps.

“First things First” is a good slogan to sum up Tradition 6. We keep it simple and don’t get distracted. OA has no affiliation with any other solution including AA. We only use OA speakers at our meetings/events and remind members who belong to other fellowships to speak to their recovery in OA. Outside enterprises may endorse OA but OA doesn’t endorse them. Many groups meet in churches or other facilities belonging to an outside enterprise but this does not imply any endorsement as we pay rent for the meeting space.

As a trustee I have a budget to travel around the region and facilitate workshops where we discuss the traditions among other things in more detail. Contact me if you are interested in having a workshop in your area.

It’s very exciting that the 2016 World Service Convention is in our region. “Recovery the Trail to Freedom!” will be held in Boston on Sept 1-4, 2016 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place Hotel. Reserve your hotel room now. Convention registration opens in January. It promises to be a great event.

Thank you for allowing me to serve the fellowship. The program works, it really does! I wish you all the gift of abstinence one day at a time. Life is good!

Karin H.

Region 6 Trustee trustee@oaregion6.org

OA Members Share:

A regular column where we ask our fellowship to contribute their experience, strength, and hope.

At the Fall Assembly on Oct 3 we were asked to write about what experience, strength and hope we can share with newcomers and long-timers about working all 12 steps. I have been in program since 1978 and abstinent since 1991. To the newcomer I can share how difficult it was early in my recovery to understand what the steps where all about. What did they mean? I thought I would work through them and be finished. Now I know that I need to live by the principals of each step on a daily basis.

Listening to members share, asking questions even though I believed I knew everything, and attending 2-3 meetings a week answered my questions. Of course I wanted recovery (a thin body) immediately. I learned that the steps change my thinking and help me see and live life in a new way. Now I repeat them everyday to remember what I need to do to stay abstinent and in recovery.

To the long-timers, I have discovered what I did not understand in my early years, that the disease progresses no matter how many 24 hours I am in program or abstinent. The voice of my addiction has become

stronger. It tells me to not be bothered to follow my plan of eating, to watch tv instead of going to meetings, to check my emails instead of reading OA literature. By the grace of my HP, the voice of my recovery has also grown stronger. By focusing on the principals of the steps and traditions I have replaced my denial with faith, honesty, responsibility and humility. What a gift.

Thank you for this opportunity to be of service, Marilyn C., Montreal, Canada

Help carry the message by contributing to the MESSENGER! Please send in your experience, strength, and hope on the topic for our next issue: HOW HAS WORKING STEPS 8 AND 9 CHANGED YOUR RECOVERY? Please send your contributions, in care of the Region Six Coordinator, to coordinator@oaregion6.org. Please add the text “AMENDS SHARE” in the subject line. The deadline for your contribution is July 1, 2016.

Assembly Minutes Highlights

Region 6 Fall Assembly Minutes, 10/3/2015

Radisson Wolf Road, Albany

There was an OA meeting 7:45-8:45am

First time representative registration was held 8:45-9:00 am.

New Delegates Orientation

Region 6 Trustee Karin H explained the procedures of the Region 6 Assembly to the new delegates in attendance.

Opening Prayer/Welcome

The meeting was called to order at 9:55 am by Chair Diana G. with The Serenity Prayer in English and in French. Diana welcomed everyone to assembly and made the following announcements:

  • If time allows there will be a short presentation by our Region Trustee, Karin, at the end of the assembly.
  • There will be 2 raffles today. A Lifeline raffle, which you must be present to win and the prize is not transferable and a convention raffle (tickets are still available)
  • Full agenda – because of the new venue today’s meeting will be shorter, ending at 5 pm, but the meeting usually ends at 6 pm.

12 Steps were read by: Donna S. from Seacoast IG

12 Traditions were read by: Paulette H. from Western New York IG

Twelve Concepts 1-6 were read by: Claire M. from New Hampshire IG

Twelve Concepts 7-12 were read by: Meredith S. from Greater NY Metro IG


  • Any hotel issues contact Barbara
  • Use rear doors to enter and exit the room.
  • Literature, Intergroup and 2015 Region 6 Convention merchandise is for sale at the side of the room
  • Catered lunch will be served at the Central Atrium Patio on the 1st Floor. Tickets, which were given out at registration, are required to obtain the lunch. Free of charge and only available to those who registered on-line. Brown baggers are able to eat in the Hudson room where there is a fridge and a microwave.
  • Printing and copying service is provided, free of charge, by the hotel in the business center. A flash drive is required.
  • Revised Committee Meeting locations were announced by the chair.

The chair requested volunteers for approval of the minutes. Claire of Nova Scotia IG and Chuck of Central Ontario IG volunteered.


Center Mic Monitor – Margaret Ann B. of Metro West IG

Timekeeper – Hugh F of Metro West IG

Registration – Mary S. of NYS Capital District IG & Andrea F. of Greater New York Metro IG

2015 Convention Committee Announcement

Diana reviewed the agenda, advising that there will be 4 elections, 1 contested for Region 6 Chair and 2 uncontested for Region 6 Coordinator and Region 6

Web and Publications Coordinator. Also an election for the purpose of affirming an applicant for the position of General Service Trustee to become a candidate for election at the World Service Business Conference in May 2016 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We will also be electing delegates to serve on the WSBC Reference Sub-Committee, nominees must already be attending. It is not a funded position. Contested elections must be done by paper ballot. Also our bylaws require that voting for a General Service Trustee must be done by paper ballot. There is one emergency new business motion coming from the convention committee. Other emergency new business motions may be made by committees but only if there is time available.

Committee Meeting Notes

  • The first order of business is to elected a new committee chair for a 1 year term
  • An individual may serve for 2 terms
  • Committee chairs are required to have 1 year of current continuous abstinence, be an intergroup rep or alternate rep from a registered Intergroup and have attended 2 Region 6 assemblies.
  • The newly elected committee chair`s term begins at the conclusion of this assembly.
  • Current or acting chairs were introduced and picked up sign in sheets

Financial reports were handed out.

There are many different ways that groups close their meetings. In the spirit of Tradition 1, OA Unity, for this assembly, at the end of the closing prayer, let’s all stick with the original: a simple “Keep Coming Back, It Works”.

The meeting was closed with the serenity prayer.

10:30a – 12:10p – Each committee broke out for their meetings

12:15 – 1:10p – Lunch

1:15 – 1:25p – Registration/Break

Reconvene at 1:33

Roll Call – Susan did roll call for the Region 6 Assembly for October 3, 2015. There were a total of 48 Region 6 Representatives and 6 Region 6 Board members. Total voting was 55. A Simple Majority was 29 and a 2/3’s Majority was 38.

Adoption of Standing Rules:

The Standing Rules were presented and adopted as presented.

Adoption of Agenda:

The agenda for today was adopted as presented.

Minutes Spring 2015 Region 6 Assembly:

The minutes were accepted as presented.

Speakers List – Those who are already on the Region 6 speaker list were asked to update their information, even if nothing has changed. There have been requests from World Service and other regions to share qualified speakers with them. The information will only be used for World Service or Region events. It will not be shared with Intergroups or individuals. Eligibility includes a minimum of one (1) year of current, continuous abstinence and affiliation with an Intergroup within Region 6.

Introduction of Officers

Barbara – Vice Chair

George – Web and Publications Coordinator

Kelly – Treasurer

Mary – Coordinator

Susan – Secretary

Karin – Trustee

Diana – Chair

Introductions Officers/Former Officers:

Margaret Ann B from Metrowest IG – Region Coordinator, Chair, Trustee

Don from Westchester United IG – Vice Chair

Karin H from Ottawa District IG – Vice Chair, Chair and Convention Chair

Bruce from Ottawa District IG – Web & Publications Coordinator

Debbie Nassau County IG – Vice Chair

Current Officers from World Service:

Tina C from North Shore IG – General Service Trustee

Barbara B from Cape Cod IG – Former General Service Trustee

New Representatives:

Introduced themselves: Donna S. Seacoast IG, Chuck P. Mid-Hudson IG, Claire M. New Hampshire IG, Meredith S. Greater NY Metro IG, Paula K. Nassau County IG, Rita L. Greater NY Metro IG, Paulette H. Western New York IG, Cynthia N. Westchester United IG.


John C. – Western Mass IG

Martha P. – Western Mass IG

Joanna – Montreal English IG

Paulina – Mass Bay IG

Brian – South Western Connecticut IG

Barb – New York State Capital District IG

Officer Reports: Officer’s reports were distributed via email and made available on-line. Representatives were invited to ask questions of each officer. There were none.

Committee Reports: One member from each committee presented their Committee Summary Report. Reports will be available at the next Region 6 Assembly in spring 2016. A summary of the reports will be on line only in The Messenger.

There were announcements regarding the 2015 Region 6 Convention.

Writing Assignment for the Newsletter: Writing Topic – What experience, strength and hope can you share with newcomers and long timers about working ALL 12 steps. Deadline is November 14, 2015

2:20 – 2:40 pm Break

Susan announced that there was a change to the number of voting members that was announced during the roll call done earlier. The total voting is 59. A simple majority is 30. A 2/3 majority is 40.


Chair Diana explained the election process that will be used today. She also again explained the affirmation for the Trustee position.

Prospective candidates for Region 6 Chair, Andrea F of Greater New York Metro Intergroup and Debbie H of Nassau County Intergroup, stood before the assembly and spoke about their qualifications. There was a time for questions from the floor. The vote was then taken by a paper ballot. Debbie H was elected as the new Chair for a 2 year term.

Prospective candidate for Region 6 Coordinator, Mary T of Westchester Intergroup, stood before the assembly and spoke about her qualifications. There was a time for questions from the floor. There was no objection to a voice vote. The vote was then taken. Mary was elected the Region 6 Coordinator for a 2 year term.

Prospective candidate for Region 6 Web and Publications Coordinator, George H of Central Maine Intergroup, stood before the assembly and spoke about his qualifications. There was a time for questions from the floor. There was no objection to a voice vote. The voice vote was then taken. George was elected as the Region 6 Website and Publications Coordinator for a 2 year term.

The chair turned the podium over to the vice chair for the next proceeding.

Candidate for Affirmation for a position on the Board of Trustees of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc. as: General Service Trustee (“GST”), Diana G of Metrowest Intergroup, stood before the assembly and spoke about her qualifications. There was a time for questions from the floor. As per the bylaws, a paper ballot was taken. Diana was affirmed as a GST candidate. The elections will be held at the WSBC in May 2017.

The vice chair returned to podium to the chair.

The floor was then open for nominations to the WSBC Bylaws Reference Sub-Committee. This is a paper ballot vote. The nominees were Barbara B. of Mid-Hudson Intergroup, Dorothy of New Hampshire Intergroup, Bruce R. Ottawa District Intergroup, and Mary T. of Westchester United Intergroup. There were two elected and two alternates. Bruce and Dorothy were elected to the committee. Barbara and Mary are the alternates.

There was a motion to shred the ballots, they were then shredded.



I move that this assembly agree to allow Central Ontario Intergroup to host the 2017 Region 6 convention in the Toronto, Canada region, once all outstanding issues have been met to the board’s satisfaction.

SUBMITTED BY: Region 6 Convention Committee

INTENT: The intention of this motion allows us to proceed with planning the 2017 R6 convention in Toronto, while addressing concerns with the contract.

IMPLEMENTATION: Will be completed in 2017.

COST: Unknown

RATIONALE: We want to start the planning from a possible convention to an actual approved convention, and allow for insurance issues with the contact to be addressed.

Requires 2/3 majority.

Motion carried.

Lifeline Raffle – was won by of Claire of Nova Scotia IG

2015 Region 6 Convention in Hartford Connecticut Raffle – 3rd prize was won by Esther S, 2nd prize was won by Susan D and 1st prize was won by Milner G.

Traditions Tune-up – Karin, Region 6 Trustee, shared information regarding tradition issues. She read the definition of an OA group and the OA Preamble, which was revised at the 2015 WSBC. She shared information of resources available at OA.org, including new literature.

First Timers Ceremony – Diana had all the 1st timers come up to the front of the assembly. She asked them place their blue dots on their back. Diana then said, “You now have your 1st REGION 6 ASSEMBLY behind you.

Diana thanked the board for all the preparation and pulling together to make the assembly go smoothly.

Karin – thanked Diana for her service and gave her a card signed by the assembly. Diana thanked everyone for their service. Say yes to service. It keeps her on track.

Announced the convention – Reach out for Recovery – see you there.

The business of the assembly continued in the Hudson room for the purpose of transferring the signing authority to the new Region 6 Chair. TD Bank Assistant VP,

Gail J, took information from the new Region 6 chair, Debbie and updated information for Kelly and George. The Business Account

Maintenance document was signed by Debbie, A General Business Resolution document was completed and signed by Debbie, Kelly, George and Susan.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:38

Respectfully submitted by,

Susan P

Region 6 Secretary

Minutes Approval Committee

Chuck F., Central Ontario IG

Claire D., Nova Scotia IG

committee reportsREGION 6 2015 FALL ASSEMBLY OCTOBER 3, 2015


Committee Chair: Bruce R. Committee Secretary: Elaine T.

Issues discussed during the meeting:

  • Policy 13 – Intergroup Scholarship Fund
  • IG Scholarship application form

Decisions made:

  • Review policy language, submit motion for next Assembly
  • Review other policies involving funding awards for Intergroups for consistency

  • Dorothy M from New Hampshire Intergroup was elected Chair for one term.

Goals and Actions which will be completed by next assembly:

  • Bylaws amendment motion for Policy 13 in the correct format
  • Collaborate with IGOR to review application form(s) for scholarships

Assignments and Deadlines:

  • Jeff S will do first draft and share it with committee


The meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer, led by Char V., acting chair.

The committee first heard a progress report on the 2015 Convention. Some highlights: the hotel is sold out, there are 500 registered people, 270 meal plans sold, and all committees are working hard on their assignments. An idea was put forth: having attendees complete convention evaluations online via Survey Monkey instead of using paper ballots. The assembly committee voted to bring the idea to the local committee to vote on.

Lynda from Central Ontario Intergroup was elected as the Convention Committee Chair. A proposal was put forth to do a Region 6 fundraiser at the 2016 World Service Convention, being held in Boston. Two ideas: a Freedom Trail tour program and/or transportation service from

the hotel at Copley Place to historical sights. Local intergroup will be consulted.

The Region 6 Convention 2017 needs a host and Toronto has been put forth as a strong contender. The Central Ontario Intergroup reps shared handouts and a report about what Toronto has to offer. A motion will be presented at Fall Assembly to accept their proposal.


  • Revise Convention Manual
  • Sign Toronto contract, if approved by Assembly
  • Region 6 fundraiser for 2016 World Convention
  • Proposals for 2018 Region 6 Convention.

Respectfully Submitted,

Helen K., MBI


  • Connie M from NYS Capital IG was elected as Finance Liaise for 2015-2016.
  • We had 5 members and 1 guest attend our meeting today.
  • We introduced ourselves and there were a few group treasurers in our group today.
  • Chair and Vice Chair sat at our meeting and did the annual check of the financial books and the Finance Committee was satisfied with our spot check of contributions and payments and that the books are in order.
  • Discussion came up regarding the Region 6 website to ensure that it is informative enough for group treasurers and if they could find the information they need. This led to discussion of “are group treasurers even going to the Region 6 website” and how to get more traffic to our website.

  • We decided that the best way to get more traffic to the Region 6 website is to get the word out to IG Chairs.
  • We discussed scholarships and getting the word out to IGs and to reiterate to IGs that they are available and perhaps worth with IGOR to streamline the form and encourage submissions.
  • We decided that the best way to get more traffic to the Region 6 website is to inform them of where to find the information they need.
  • We continue to press on with getting the word out for donations via the website/online. Online donations are faster, eco-friendly and safer.
  • We discussed scholarships and getting the word out to IGs that scholarships are available and perhaps work with IGOR to streamline the scholarship application form and encourage submissions.


Committee Chair: Don

Committee Secretary: Barbara S

Issues discussed during the meeting:

  • IG handbook – needs to be completed and sent for approval
  • IG renewal training for officers
  • Google group orientation for IG Board members to learn how to use it

Decisions made:

  • Wayne to take over as chair of the sub-committee to organize Google group communication
  • Sub-committee (John, Wayne, Mary and Barbara) for R6 IG Handbook to complete review of edits and submit to IGOR committee for approval

  • IG renewal training for officers – get contact info for officers so that future contact will be facilitated to send survey re: training program

Goals and Actions which will be completed by next assembly:

  • R6 IG Handbook to be ready for submission to the next assembly
  • Google Group – R6 IGOR committee; R6 IGOR net (for all IGs) to be completed by next assembly
  • Survey re: IG interest in training program

Assignments and Deadlines:

  • Subcommittees created for each goal
  • Monthly teleconferences to be scheduled


Issues discussed during the meeting:

Election of Chairperson – no member volunteered

  • Appointment of Secretary – Cat took notes.
  • Mentor feedback – Susan indicated that the Board reviewed the Committee’s limited success in achieving its goals in the last year.
  • Discussed the future of the Committee – Options such as disbanding, becoming an ad hoc committee, and joining another committee were considered. No decision was made.

Goals, Actions, Assignments and Deadlines:

  • Contact Matt, World Service Young Persons Committee Chair, for advice on con-

necting with young persons – Chuck P. by 11/30/15

  • Contact Karin, Region 6 Trustee, to get assistance/advice on contacting other Intergroups to see if they successful Young Persons groups – Marcy by 11/15/15
  • “Attend” the current YP telephone meeting and contact the Moderator for ideas about starting a phone meeting supported by our Region – Leslie by 2/28/15
  • Submit report electronically – Cat by 10/15/15


Committee Chair: Mike C.

Secretary: Robin H.

Issues discussed during the meeting:

  • New chair elected, Mike C.
  • Discussed various PIPO activities from different Intergroups which ranged in providing handouts at professional offices to ads on buses
  • Need to track how people hear of OA (website, phone calls, spreadsheet to track info)
  • Definition of Blitz; application form and need to develop user friendly information sheet and process

Decisions Made:

  • Approval of the new blitz form
  • Jane to order 100 copies of the Courier and the pamphlet called Introducing OA To The Professional, to bring to convention workshop for distribution as spending of committee budget
  • Jane and Chuck will be available to facilitate the PIPO workshop at convention with other members of committee welcome to come and share

Goals and Actions which will be completed by next assembly:

  • Connect with Region 6 Website coordinator to determine if link for PI can be added for ease of access to the form and an explanation of procedure to apply for Blitz funds by Intergroups
  • Have additional link for PO – courier newsletter
  • Board will approve revised Blitz application form (sent electronically in PDF form by Chuck)

Assignments and Deadlines:

  • Jane to order pamphlets
  • Mike will follow up with Region 6 Website coordinator
  • Robin will submit minutes of meeting to committee and R6 Board mentor by October 17th, 2015


Committee Chair: Amy J

Committee Secretary: Amy J

  • Issues discussed during the meeting:
  • Recommendation for chairperson to serve Spring and Fall Assembly 2016
  • Status of IDEA Day Flyer from Spring Assembly Actions
  • Options to support OA Birthday and Unity Day activities or events
  • Speaker support for Region 6 Convention
  • Identified service as a key component to retention as topic for Region 6 Convention

Decisions made:

  • Committee membership affirmed Amy J continuing as chair for 2016 pending R6 Board approval
  • Update IDEA Day flyer from 2014 for use again this fall.
  • Work to establish a timeline to follow each Assembly year in support of the outlines procedures identified at Spring 2015 Assembly
  • Goals and Actions which will be completed by next assembly:
  • Update IDEA Day flyer with 2015 date and scheduled events to circulate to Region 6 Intergroups and Convention by 10/17
  • Support Ginny (Southwest CT IG) and Jeanette (Ottawa IG) in preparing their workshop for Region 6 Convention by 10/17
  • Investigate ability to use and circulate OA Birthday celebration flyer from Los Angeles Intergroup (Meredith by 11/2)

Assignments and Deadlines:

  • Begin to develop a flyer to announce/support Unity Day events and workshops to submit to Region 6 Board

(Brian by 1/4/2016)


Acting chair: Ruth

Elected committee chair: Ruth

Attendees: Adam, Penny, Mark, George, Ruth, Gilles, Quinn

Deadlines for publications:

Nov 14: all articles due (specifically from board members). Ads for convention, submissions, all content, etc. Send reminders to the Region 6 board.

Nov 21: Newsletter committee conference call (web and pub committee members), and phone number will be given. 7:00pm EST

Dec 19: Ruth to send articles to the English proofreaders: Penny, Adam

Jan 2: English proofs should be done and sent to the chair (Ruth)

Jan 9: Send articles to the French translator (paid position).

Jan 9: Mark and George will create the WordPress template for the online Messenger

Jan 16: begin proofreading of online English Messenger

Jan 23: finish proofreading of online English Messenger

Jan 30: R6 Board begins review of online English Messenger

Feb 6: receive edits from R6 board and make changes if necessary

Feb16: Publish English newsletter

April 16: Spring Assembly

Transition from a paper PDF version of the Messenger to one that’s website based:

We can archive the articles and make the entire newsletter information printable. We’re going to be using WordPress, but can we retain the “feel” of the newsletter? The headers and look can be used, then print to a PDF file instead of printing the entire set of pages. The answer is that yes, we can put things directly onto the website as a dynamic and responsive vehicle instead of a PDF style newsletter. The next exciting thing is that the newsletter could be a link?active form so readers can click on links. News and posts can be told to folks as an email blast. One can sign up to be part of that “blast”.

Group conscience is to make the transition from a “paper newsletter” to a “website newsletter”!

Translation issues between the English version of the website material and the French:

  • Gilles already does translation for oa.org. OA Region 6 website French very hard to read and understand.
  • There are also two different types of translations: World Service vs. Region (which French are they using?!?)
  • This issue needs to be taken to World Service. This is a huge issue, and not addressed well. We are stewards of the message of recovery. We may need to have other meetings to address this specific issue.

Respectfully submitted by Quinn B

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