Please share your experience, strength, and hope in working the Overeaters Anonymous program.
The current question is:

“Has my sponsor encouraged me to do service in OA as a means of strengthening my understanding of fellowship?

“As a sponsor, do I encourage my sponsees to do the same?”
[en français:]

Mon parrain/marraine m’a-t-il encouragé à rendre service au sein d’OA afin de renforcer ma compréhension de la fraternité ?En tant que parrain, est-ce que j’encourage mes filleuls à faire de même ?

Veuillez soumettre votre texte via le formulaire à l’adresse avant le 17 avril.

Your submission of up to 1,000 words will be published on the website.

Please be mindful of our Traditions: Avoid mentioning names and outside issues, and ensure that your share is appropriate for publishing on the website.

Region 6 reserves the right to edit the submission as required. Your first name, last initial, and intergroup will be listed.