• Purposes of the Assembly Convention Committee, a standing committee of the Region 6 Assembly:
    • Encourages R6 Intergroups and members to host conventions to carry the OA message of recovery and foster OA unity and fellowship.
    • Reviews convention proposals and makes a recommendation, in the form of a motion, to be considered by assembly representatives.
    • Helps ensure compliance with R6 policies and OA Traditions as they relate to R6 conventions.
    • Raises funds through conventions to support R6 financially.
    • Serves as a repository for critical information relative to recent past R6 conventions.
  • Established by policy 006 – Conventions, of the Region 6 Bylaws
The Assembly Convention Committee is different from the Hosting Convention Committee

The Hosting Convention Committee is formed by intergroups, other local groups, and Region 6 members to plan, organize, and carry out a Region 6 convention.

Assembly Convention Committee meetings
  • The Assembly Convention Committee meets during sessions of the Region 6 Assemblies, and at other times as needed.
For more information

To learn more about conventions policy, see policy 006 of the bylaws of the Region 6 Assembly of Overeaters Anonymous and to the policy and procedures manual: https://oaregion6.org/about/bylaws/ 

  • Assembly