Assembly Bytes – Fall 2019

Officer Elections

Each year, three of the six officers’ terms expire. This year, the Chair, Coordinator and Web & Publications Coordinator were up for election. After each candidate presented their qualifications to the Assembly and fielded questions voting was held

Election Results
Chair: Carmen D. was elected to a two-year term
Coordinator: Kara M. was elected to a two-year term
Web & Publications Coordinator: Chuck F. was elected to a two-year term

In addition, Kelly C. stepped down as Vice Chair and Debbie (current chair) will complete her term.

The reference subcommittee meets during WSBC lunch breaks and free time as needed to resolve issues created when several motions to amend are submitted for any particular main motion. The reference subcommittee takes these motions and works on them to propose a new version of the motion amenable to all.

Reference Subcommittee Elections
? Francoise
? Kristen
? Susan (Alternate)

Committee Reports

Working to draft amendment to change requirements for election of officers to Region 6. Susan is the new chair.

World Service uses its own form for scholarship. The IGOR committee will draft recommendations to the Board to solely use WSO’s Delegate Support Fund form (combining the two forms into one form). Hoping to update technology, IG contacts, transfer to Google.

Carry the Message workshop, 2 blitz campaigns. Poster on buses campaign $1,900 ($2,638 Canadian)

Finance Committee
Audit of books by Region 6 chair & several members of committee complete and approved. Vice Chair of committee reviews bank statements and checkbook monthly. Vice Chair is rotating off, held elections. Connie M is new Vice Chair

Emergency New Business motion to supplement travel scholarships

New goal: better knowledge sharing, let Intergroups know that money is available

Convention Committee
There will be dinner available for Friday night
Recruit subcommittees, fundraising, brainstorm 2021 locations; they have a member researching locations. Goal is to propose a location for 2021.

Web & Publications committee
Went over the timeline and assignments.
Selected writing assignment.
Discussed the addition of Spanish translation as well as French.
Set dates for 2 conference calls.

12 Step Within
Coming back to OA
Retention – staying in OA
Theme Uniting with Diversity – Bring back to IG to have them vote to have packets available – Develop starter packets on diversity and send to groups to give for free

Traditions Tune-up

Beth, our Region 6 Trustee, concluded the afternoon by reviewing various meeting topics to help us have a better understanding of whether a group member might be breaking an OA tradition.

Assembly Dates

  • Spring Assembly – April 17 – 18, 2020
  • Fall Assembly – October 2 – 3, 2020
  • Spring Assembly – April 9 – 10, 2021
  • Fall Assembly – September 24 – 25, 2021
  • Spring Assembly – April 1 – 2, 2022
  • Fall Assembly – September 16 – 17, 2022

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