Region Chair’s Letter Spring 2018



Good morning Region 6. Thank you for allowing me to continue being your R6 Chair. Today I am writing an article about joy. Pure Joy!!! I’ve reread my older articles and noticed I write about difficulties and how I have maintained my recovery, even with these hurdles.

I now know and understand true happiness. Six weeks ago God blessed my family with a baby girl. I am a grandmother. This child brings delight to all who see her.

At the hospital, hours after her birth, my son, a nervous new dad, and rightly so, asked the nurse if the baby’s fussing was “normal”. The nurse replied, “ We give you a perfect child. What happens when she leaves is your responsibility”.

These words truly struck me. Each child comes into the world perfect. There is no fear, shame, guilt, remorse, anxiety or anger.

Maryann, my granddaughter, smiles. She smiles in her sleep. She smiles as looks at her adoring parents. I know that the experts say she is too young to know the meaning of a smile. I have to disagree. I have too many photos of her smiling. Her mom and dad speak to her softly with love, tenderness and care. She has to sense the security, affection, and happiness she receives from them. My daughter-in-law’s calm soothing voice has that effect on me as well. I believe this smile is a natural reflex to feeling and being secure in the knowledge that all is well in her world.

My relationship with my son and daughter-in-law is a wonderful blessing. I have recovery. Traditions four and ten tell me they are on their own path and unless asked, I offer no opinions. I cherish this connection with them. They send me daily updates, photos and comments. I am sharing their joy without the sleepless nights.

This relationship would not be possible if I didn’t have a program of recovery.

When I grow up, I want to be like Maryann! Recovery means to regain or reclaim something that has been lost. I strive to be enough, guilt free and fearless. Today I woke up smiling, thinking about Maryann, and knowing that all is where my Higher Power has placed it. I will aim to not worry about what might happen later, what if, what I should have done or how I can change the past. I will make every attempt to not beat myself up for past mistakes I’ve made because I’m human. My living amends mean I do not repeat poor choices. I want to reclaim that feeling and knowledge that I am the best Debbie, I can be.

May 8th , the day Maryann was born, in For Today, “ I have complete faith that as I turn over what I want, God will give me what I need.” Another lofty goal I strive for each day.

As a new grandmother, I am trying to think of profoundly deep and wise information to give my granddaughter. What inspirations and sayings can I impart? All I really have to do is love her unconditionally.

If no one has told you or Maryann today, that you are loved, God loves you and so do I.


Yours in Service,


Debbie H.


Region 6 Chair

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