Spring 2016 Messenger
The Biannual Newsletter of Region Six of Overeaters Anonymous Table of Contents: Region 6 Chair Article Region 6 Trustee Article OA Members Share Unapproved Fall Assembly Minutes Committee Reports OA Members Share: A regular column where we ask our fellowship to contribute their experience, strength, and hope. Region 6 Fall Assembly Minutes, 10/3/2015 Radisson…
Twelfth Step Within
The Region Six 12th Step Within Committee invites your intergroup to engage in important 12th Step Within action. Mobilize as many OA members possible within your meetings to telephone those still-suffering OA members on the 12th day of each month. To find more info on OA’s 12th Step Within page please click here.
Guidance for Treasurers
The Finance Committee at World Service has put together an FAQ for Service Body Treasurers. The FAQs provide guidance to such questions as: Does my group need a bank account? How do we get a tax ID? How do we distribute excess funds to Intergroup, Region, and World Service? How do we handle liability insurance…