
Web and Pub at Fall assembly

The committee decided to halt its effort to combine intergroups’ Google Ad grants and coordinate a regionwide ad effort. Nearer the beginning of the pandemic, Google ads at one Region 6 Intergroup were increasing traffic to its website dramatically, and reaching a greatly increased number of newcomers especially. It was proposed to try to broaden…

Assembly bites

The R6 Assembly met on Sept. 23 in Albany, NY. This is Karen S.’s report of events. The orientation meeting was at 9 a.m.  Procedures of the assembly were explained thoroughly and a handout of the slideshow was given, as well as a written copy of basic parliamentary information. This meeting was very informative. Forty-five…


IGOR discusses scholarships

The Intergroup Outreach Committee elected new officers, and then turned its attention to the future of scholarships that Region 6 makes available to intergroups seeking help to send delegates to the World Service Business Conference, which occurs annually in May in Mexico. The committee submitted this report during the afternoon session of the Fall Assembly,…


Convention scholarships review

The Finance Committee discussed the Region’s policies for granting scholarships to help intergroups send delegates to the World Service Business Conference. The committee also decided to arrange a routine spot check of the Region’s finances with the vice chair. The committee filed this report during the afternoon session of the 2023 Fall Assembly held Sept….


Bylaw updates planned

The Bylaws Committee decided to continue working on clarifying Section VI of the bylaws, which addresses the nominations and elections of officers. Additionally, the committee identified a need to update board members’ job descriptions, and will ask board members past and present to contribute to the effort. This is the report the committee submitted during…


Public information efforts funded

One task of the Public Information and Professional Outreach Committee is to examine proposals made by intergroups to carry the message of recovery to the public. Meeting at the Fall Assembly, the committee voted to fund four projects for bus ads and billboards totaling about $3,000. The committee also committed to exploring ways to reach…


Will reach out to intergroups

The Twelfth Step Within Committee’s mission is to carry the message of recovery to members who are struggling and to former members. At the Fall Assembly, the committee decided it would distribute Twelve Step handbooks to three English-speaking intergroups that didn’t send a representative to the Assembly, as well as to the Region’s French-speaking intergroups….