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Assembly bites
The R6 Assembly met on Sept. 23 in Albany, NY. This is Karen S.’s report of events. The orientation meeting was at 9 a.m. Procedures of the assembly were explained thoroughly and a handout of the slideshow was given, as well as a written copy of basic parliamentary information. This meeting was very informative. Forty-five…
Projects ongoing
At the Spring 2024 Assembly in Albany, N.Y., U.S., the Bylaws Committee set goals to continue its updating of board officer job descriptions, and to alter the form used for submitting bylaw amendment proposals. Also, Carmen D and Karen G agree to swap roles on the committee for 6 months. Carmen will act as chair;…
Bylaw updates planned
The Bylaws Committee decided to continue working on clarifying Section VI of the bylaws, which addresses the nominations and elections of officers. Additionally, the committee identified a need to update board members’ job descriptions, and will ask board members past and present to contribute to the effort. This is the report the committee submitted during…
IGOR discusses scholarships
The Intergroup Outreach Committee elected new officers, and then turned its attention to the future of scholarships that Region 6 makes available to intergroups seeking help to send delegates to the World Service Business Conference, which occurs annually in May in Mexico. The committee submitted this report during the afternoon session of the Fall Assembly,…
Two affirmed for Board of Trustees
Blair P and Bruce R were affirmed as candidates for election to OA’s Board of Trustees during the Fall Assembly, held Sept. 21 in Albany, N.Y. Both trusted servants are already serving on the board, by virtue of appointments to the board they sought in the aftermath of the World Service Business Conference. Blair P,…
Modify the treasurer’s role?
During the morning portion of Region 6’s Spring Assembly in Albany, N.Y., April 6, longtime board member and current treasurer Debbie H. announced that she would not be seeking reelection to the board. Her position expires at the Fall Assembly, so the Region is seeking applicants. Several topics were discussed during the finance committee’s meeting…