Spring Assembly 2017 Assembly Bytes
Assembly Bytes Spring 2017 R6A
The 2017 Region 6 Spring Assembly was held the weekend of April 8th in Albany, NY. We had 50 voting reps, 6 board members present at the event, and 10 alternate representatives and guests. Here are some of the highlights. A full report will be available shortly. Keep an eye on this website for this and other activities concerning our Region.
If you don’t already do service beyond the group level, we want to make sure you know that service is for everyone! Not only that, it’s vital to your personal recovery. Consider checking out your local intergroup (IG) to learn more about what sort of work is done at Region assemblies.
2017 R6 Convention
Our Region 6 Convention will be here before long. Our Convention Committee is doing a fine job in planning the event. This year it will be held in Toronto on October 20-22nd. Keep in mind that if you are travelling from the States, a valid passport is necessary. To register for the 2017 Convention click here: https://oa-r6-convention-canada.ticketleap.com/toronto-stepping-up-for-recovery-r6-2017-convention/
Please Note: Registration, Hotel, and Meal Plan are separate from each other.
Raffle Baskets are being accepted by the Convention Committee. If you are flying, consider something small, that will travel well. Gift cards and cash are acceptable as raffle baskets.
Raffle tickets are now available for the 2017 Region Convention. Tickets are available for $5 for 6 tickets, and can be obtained from R6 delegates who attended the Spring Assembly. First prize is the hotel cost, meals and registration fee. Second prize is a full set of convention recordings. Third prize is the registration fee. Drawing will be held at the Fall 2017 Assembly.
Intergroup Renewal Trainings
Our continuing Intergroup Renewal Training Workshops, (developed by our IGOR Committee), which will serve to bolster our shrinking OA community in the region, have been quite successful. Four workshops have been scheduled.
The first of these workshops was held in Aug in Mt. Kisco, NY with 34 attendees from 11 IGs. The second one was held in Oct in Chelmsford, MA, with 44 registrants from 17 IGs. Another workshop was held this past weekend in Rochester on June 2-3. Attendees at these workshops have reported a resurgence of activity and effectiveness within their Intergroups as a result of these training sessions.
The last one will be held in Toronto just prior to the R6 convention. All current and upcoming Intergroup Officers are encouraged to attend this worthwhile training. The Region is funding the training and hotel accommodations. Attendees are responsible for getting to the site of the workshops themselves, all attendee meals, and providing a $25 deposit (per intergroup, not individual) which is refunded upon attendance. Contact the Region Coordinator coordinator@oaregion6.org for sign-up information.
Public Information/Professional Outreach Committee
The PI/PO committee is responsible for helping to carry the message of recovery outside our fellowship, to the general public at large-Public Information, as well as the Professional community-Professional Outreach. They have created a data sheet that explains the scope of the Committee. It can be found here: https://oaregion6.org/about-2/pipo/pipo/?
We had reported in the last Assembly Bytes that Intergroups can apply to Region 6 PI/PO Committee for funding to support outreach projects, or PI Blitzes, aimed at carrying the message to the general public and professionals in their communities. Funds are allocated at each Business Assembly for this purpose, and are voted on and awarded at the end of each Assembly. Unfortunately, none were awarded this Assembly, since no Intergroup applied this year. If your Intergroup has a great idea on how to carry the message, but do not have the funds to accomplish it, the Region does. All you have to do is ask! If you would like to apply for project funding, please note that all PI Blitz applications are due 60 days prior to the date of the next R6 Assembly.
The next due date for applications is July 18, 2017. Funding decisions will be made and announced at the Assembly. Applications for PI Blitz funding can be found on the R6 website:https://oaregion6.org/about-2/pipo/pipo/?
Please let all your IG Reps know about these available funds. Contact the PI/PO chair at pipo@oaregion6.org for further information.
Bylaws Committee
The committee is reminding all Intergroups to submit updated by-laws that reflect the current changes made by World Service, particularly the new definition of an OA group. All service bodies are required to submit them. Our Region Trustee will verify these submissions. Email bylaws for review to region6trustee@gmail.com
The committee will be holding a by-law workshop at the next assembly this fall.
Finance Committee
In addition to managing the budget and the funds of the Region, the Finance Committee was busy with finding ways to help the individual Intergroups manage theirs. Guidelines to help small IG’s create a budget is something they will be working on. The committee pointed out that Canadian members may now use PayPal to pay for OA expenses, such as the Convention registration.
Website and Publications Committee
In addition to maintaining the Region 6 website, oaregion6.org?, this committee also is responsible for content, such as “The Messenger”, our Region’s newsletter/blog, and the Assembly Bytes. We also work with their translations department for any documents that are needed to be translated into French, since we are a bi-lingual Region. The Web and Publication Coordinator asked for members to support the committee, pointing out that one not need to be ‘tech-savvy’ necessarily to be a part. We could also use writers for article submissions.
The committee conducted a very informative and entertaining workshop at the assembly, unveiling our brand new website. Our Region Webmaster, demonstrated to the audience how to effectively use the website. The workshop ended with an “Easter Egg Hunt”, and a Q&A period.
Twelfth Step Within Committee
This committee had a large number of participants who were interested in focusing on “Unity with Diversity” so the committee had those people meet separately to discuss that topic separately. The balance of those that attended the 12th Step Within Committee focused on the committee’s main mission which is to carry the message of recovery within our OA community.They are presently working on a ‘Welcome Back’ workshop, that individual groups can use to attract members who have left the rooms and/or been in relapse. They will be creating an application for a scholarship, and post on the Region 6 website.
Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Dates for Region 6 Fall and Spring Assemblies, which will all take place in Albany, NY:
- 2017: September 16th, Hilton Garden Inn: Please note the change in location
- 2018: April 14th, Radisson on Wolf Road
- 2018: September 29th, Radisson on Wolf Road
- 2019: April 13th, Radisson on Wolf Road
- 2019 : September 21st, Radisson on Wolf Road