
Public information efforts funded

One task of the Public Information and Professional Outreach Committee is to examine proposals made by intergroups to carry the message of recovery to the public. Meeting at the Fall Assembly, the committee voted to fund four projects for bus ads and billboards totaling about $3,000. The committee also committed to exploring ways to reach…


Will reach out to intergroups

The Twelfth Step Within Committee’s mission is to carry the message of recovery to members who are struggling and to former members. At the Fall Assembly, the committee decided it would distribute Twelve Step handbooks to three English-speaking intergroups that didn’t send a representative to the Assembly, as well as to the Region’s French-speaking intergroups….

What are the benefits of virtual, hybrid and face-to-face meetings?

The writing assignment for the fall assembly was: “What are the benefits of virtual, hybrid and face-to-face meetings? Do you have a preference? You are welcome to write on this question and send your response to webmaster@oaregion6.org. By Karen S. I feel that all of the types of meetings have benefits. I have met many,…

If you were guiding a sponsee on how to find their Higher Power, what would you say?

By Kim L. As an agnostic myself when I came into this program, I can understand the difficulties one may have with the spiritual aspect of our program. However, I wanted what the members in recovery had and I worked hard to get it, especially on my relationship with this force greater than my own. …

Assembly Bytes – Fall 2020

Officer Elections Each year, three of the six officers’ terms expire.  This year, the Vice Chair, Treasurer and Region 6 Secretary were up for election.  After each candidate presented their qualifications to the Assembly and fielded questions, voting was held. Election Results Vice Chair:  Kimberly C. was elected to a two year term Treasurer:  Karen…

Assembly Bytes – Fall 2019

Assembly Bytes – Fall 2019

Officer Elections Each year, three of the six officers’ terms expire. This year, the Chair, Coordinator and Web & Publications Coordinator were up for election. After each candidate presented their qualifications to the Assembly and fielded questions voting was held Election ResultsChair: Carmen D. was elected to a two-year termCoordinator: Kara M. was elected to…