A treasurer’s work

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Region 6 treasurer. As we approach the middle of our financial year, I am working on the mid-year actual stats. I am also preparing to present next year’s budget for a vote at the Spring Assembly, which will be held April 6 in Albany, NY, US.

Region 6 and I are grateful for your support. The funds we take in are spent on Region 6 operations, such as scholarships to attend Region and World gatherings, use of professional services, reaching out to potential newcomers via online ads, and maintenance of the website, among other purposes.

Please note that a donation cannot be earmarked for a special purpose. We do not have a “delegate support fund” or a “convention fund.” Monies send by mail and PayPal are disbursed where they are needed most, as determined by the Region 6 board and representatives to the two assemblies we conduct each year.

I have learned a great deal while serving as treasurer, but even good things come to an end. By the fall, I will have served on the Region 6 board for 10 years, and I will not be seeking reelection. In return for the service I have given, I have received much and met many lifelong friends. I have cherished the time that I have served.

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