Our competitors

Dan Sandweiss was hired about 8 months ago as OA’s managing director, which means today was his first opportunity to appear before the World Service Business Conference. He evinced great enthusiasm for OA’s mission, said he loves the work, and “you’ll have to kick me out” before he’ll ever leave the job.

As one would expect of a managing director, Sandweiss has a background in business. (Seven trustees participated in a monthslong search process, and then found their candidate in our backyard: He lives in Albuquerque.)

While at the podium to answer questions, he referred several times to “our competitors.” As examples, he cited a weight-loss company and a pharmaceutical. Obviously, those and other entities like them are different from OA, but it was an interesting perspective. It seems more than fair to think that outside the rooms, people who are seeking solutions related to disordered eating are indeed choosing from among OA, companies, pharmaceuticals, and other options.

‘Course, we attract, they promote. But in the world, we are competing.

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