Messenger returns
Region 6’s newsletter returned with the July issue. (Click on the image for the full newsletter.)
Region 6’s newsletter returned with the July issue. (Click on the image for the full newsletter.)
The Finance Committee at World Service has put together an FAQ for Service Body Treasurers. The FAQs provide guidance to such questions as: Does my group need a bank account? How do we get a tax ID? How do we distribute excess funds to Intergroup, Region, and World Service? How do we handle liability insurance…
Good morning Region 6. Thank you for allowing me to continue being your R6 Chair. Today I am writing an article about joy. Pure Joy!!! I’ve reread my older articles and noticed I write about difficulties and how I have maintained my recovery, even with these hurdles. I now know and understand true…
Officer Elections Each year, three of the six officers’ terms expire. This year, the Vice Chair, Treasurer and Region 6 Secretary were up for election. After each candidate presented their qualifications to the Assembly and fielded questions, voting was held. Election Results Vice Chair: Kimberly C. was elected to a two year term Treasurer: Karen…
Region 6 Trustee Newsletter Article Dec 2017 Hi, my name is Karin and I am a compulsive overeater. This is my last article to write as Region 6 trustee as my term is up at the end of April 2018. I am definitely having mixed feelings about it. I will miss doing this service but…
The writing assignment for the fall assembly was: “What are the benefits of virtual, hybrid and face-to-face meetings? Do you have a preference? You are welcome to write on this question and send your response to By Karen S. I feel that all of the types of meetings have benefits. I have met many,…