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Results of Intergroup Forum survey
Region 6 asked for your opinions about our monthly forum series, and here’s what we learned:
WSBC 7th Tradition
One 7th Tradition was taken Friday afternoon for the entire conference. Delegates donated $9,411 in USD, and $20 AUS. Based on the din that greeted the announcement, delegates were impressed by the figure.
Intersection of abstinence, service
The May installment of the region’s Intergroup Forum series will look at how abstinence supports giving service, and how giving service supports one’s abstinence. Here are the details:
Dissolution of Region 4
Overeaters Anonymous in the recent past has been divided into 11 regions, but this is the last World Service Business Conference that will include Region 4, which has represented part or all of 8 US states and 3 Canadian provinces. Generally, you could say Region 4 was north-central North America. In July, the region found…