Region 6 has seven standing committees that work year round to monitor and advance the issues under their headings. Each committee’s members shift over time, as Region 6 representatives rotate in and out of service. A portion of each spring and fall assembly is devoted to committees’ organization and planning. Each committee has a liaison (see parentheses, below) on the Region 6 board.

- Bylaws, Policy and Procedure (Chair)
- Assembly Convention (Trustee liaison) Region 6 conducts two assemblies and a convention annually. This committee oversees those events.
- Finance (Treasurer) This committee provides oversight for the Region 6 treasurer.
- Intergroup Outreach (Coordinator) IGOR is the Region’s principal liaison with its intergroups, which occupy a service level between OA meetings and Region 6. IGOR seeks to bolster intergroups by advising and training intergroup members on practices to help their groups thrive.
- Public Information / Professional Outreach (Secretary) PI/PO works to carry the message of OA to the public, and especially to those who work in health care. One of the committee’s initiatives is to offer funds to intergroups that apply with a plan to do just that.
- Twelfth Step Within (Vice chair) The Twelfth Step of Overeaters Anonymous is, “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive overeaters, and practice these principles in all our affairs.” The committee’s title refers to efforts by OA members to practice this step with former or still-suffering OA fellows.
- Website and Publications (Web and pub coordinator) This committee works on how to make the Region’s website better, and considers how to use modern tools to reach and inform both members and prospective members.
To catch up on what each committee is doing, click on the links above.