WSBC Decision Changes Wording of Anonymity Statement

Delegates at the 2013 World Service Business Conference voted to approve the following changes to the Anonymity Statement originally adopted by the 1980 Conference. Please bring this new change to your group.

WSBC Policy 1980b (Amended 2013)

An anonymity statement was adopted:
Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our program, always ensuring principles before personalities. This means that OA itself is not anonymous, but its members are. There are no exceptions. While OA may be publicized, we do not break our individual anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, and television, and all public media of communication, and the recognizable facial exposure of persons identifying as OA members at the level of press, films, and television, and all public media of communication is a violation of our tradition of anonymity, even though the first name only is given or the entire name is withheld.

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