When and how WSBC meets

Two proposals addressed how and when the World Service Business Conference would meet, and the reference subcommittee combined them into a single motion. It would call for a two-year rotation in which one year would meet in person, and the other would meet via a videoconferencing platform. In the latter case, the Trustees would have the option of including hybrid elements.

WSO staff said that virtual meetings cost about $40,000 less than in-person meetings do.

It passed overwhelmingly.

By previous WSBC action, the 2025 conference will be held virtually, in part because the World Service Convention, delayed is from 2020 by the pandemic, will be in August 2025 in Orlando, Fla. It was felt that asking the fellowship to travel twice in a single year, when a virtual option existed, might affect attendance at one or both events.

Though the board sets meeting dates, it is likely that this two-year rotation will start in 2026 with a meeting in Albuquerque.

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