Register for Spring Assembly

Click on the image to read the entire message, including its links to documents needed to participate in the Assembly.

What’s “Twelfth Step Within”?

The “Twelfth Step Within” in Overeaters Anonymous refers to carrying the message of recovery to those who are already in the OA fellowship but still suffer with compulsive eating behaviors. This includes members who are in relapse or those who may have taken a break from the program and meetings. The primary purpose of the…

Twelve Step Within format

Greater New York Metro Intergroup members have conceived an innovative workshop titled “Struggling? Pathways to Abstinence.” Its goal is “to provide a space where [one’s] experience with struggles to get abstinent may show up as a bridge back to living life in recovery.” It features not only a qualifier with recovery-from-relapse experience, but three panelists who…

The Joys Of Service

The group activity at the Fall Assembly asked subgroups of 5-6 representatives to answer some questions about doing service. These are some of the groups’ answers: What’s the most rewarding service you’ve seen or done? How has recovery inspired you to do service? How does service help your recovery?