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2025 calendar released
Below is a pdf version of Region 6’s calendar of important dates. It is released — and updated when needed throughout — each year. For users who prefer, all dates are on the Region 6 electronic calendar, which also has dates of workshops, retreats, and other items of interest. Anyone may add events to the…
Trustee’s Letter Spring 2018
Hi! My name is Beth B. and I’m a compulsive overeater. I also find myself serving as the new Region 6 trustee, to my surprise! A trustee from another region encouraged me at WSBC to apply for the position, which I was willing to do, and since then things have been moving very quickly! …
R6 trio join OA board of trustees
Even after elections conducted at the World Service Business Conference, four openings remained on the board of trustees. The board issued a call for applicants, and now four trustees have been added. Three — Kim L., Blair P., and Bruce R. — are from Region 6. All three have been doing service outside the group…
How your support is used
By Karen C. Region 6 Treasurer Region 6 uses the donations of meetings and individuals, as well as funds raised by the convention, in several ways to help carry the message of recovery in Overeaters Anonymous. Is there an opportunity for your intergroup or group to do outreach? A billboard, a bus, a bus stop bench,…
New donations portal for
Those who donate to the OA World Service Office through its online portal should be getting an invitation to a new interface that will provide several more options. These include letting you change any aspect of your recurring contributions on your own, changing how you want your donations applied to various world service funds, view…
How I work the tools
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