What’s “Twelfth Step Within”?

The “Twelfth Step Within” in Overeaters Anonymous refers to carrying the message of recovery to those who are already in the OA fellowship but still suffer with compulsive eating behaviors. This includes members who are in relapse or those who may have taken a break from the program and meetings. The primary purpose of the…

Twelve Step Within format

Greater New York Metro Intergroup members have conceived an innovative workshop titled “Struggling? Pathways to Abstinence.” Its goal is “to provide a space where [one’s] experience with struggles to get abstinent may show up as a bridge back to living life in recovery.” It features not only a qualifier with recovery-from-relapse experience, but three panelists who…


Committee to join world effort

The Twelve Step Within Committee committed to join and support a World Service committee plan for a round-the-world marathon on Dec. 12, also known as 12/12 and Twelve Step Within Day. Also during the committee’s meeting as part of the Fall Assembly, members discussed the status of neurodivergent support at the World Service level, and…


Formats for relapse meetings

The Twelve Step Within Committee intends to create formats that would be suitable for meetings focused on relapse, to make them available to interested groups. The committee also voted to look for resources on mental health and neurodiversity that could help some members of the fellowship. The committee filed this report during the afternoon session…


Will reach out to intergroups

The Twelfth Step Within Committee’s mission is to carry the message of recovery to members who are struggling and to former members. At the Fall Assembly, the committee decided it would distribute Twelve Step handbooks to three English-speaking intergroups that didn’t send a representative to the Assembly, as well as to the Region’s French-speaking intergroups….