An idea for ‘f2f’

The Greater New York Metro Intergroup is offering rent assistance to any OA group that wants to return to face-to-face meetings but a financial hardship is standing in the way. Obviously, they’re only offering it to meetings in their area, so don’t go asking ‘em for money! But it’s an interesting idea. Perhaps your intergroup…

Service is the name of this fellow’s game

When I came into the rooms 9 years ago, I heard folks say “do service!” but I had no idea what this meant. In those early days, I learned that anything one does to help the meeting or another fellow is “service.” So, putting away chairs is “service?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been struck with the…

New welcome message

World Service has crafted a new “Welcome” section and suggests that you add it to the suggested format at your favorite meetings: Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous; we are a growing, evolving Fellowship with in-person and virtual meetings around the world. In OA, there are opportunities for recovery and to give service at local and virtual…

Recovery, recorded

A new feature of the website categorizes dozens of Region 6 Convention workshops, seminars, and keynotes, making them easier to find. Each Step has a heading, as do topics such as relapse, willingness, specific-focus groups, and many more. Just click on the facsimile below to see what you might want to listen to next.