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Let’s work together
I’m Kimberly, a compulsive overeater in Connecticut. I’ve been in OA for more than 37 years, and for most of those years I told myself I would do service on the Region board “some day.” Some daywhen I had time, some day when I retired… some day I imagined far away. Well, it’s no surprise that I’m not in charge of the…
R6 board opening
As you may know, Region 6 held officer elections at the recent Fall Assembly. Two positions were filled, and the position of secretary is still open. This means the board will appoint a secretary to serve until the 2025 Fall Assembly. Please consider applying, and passing this information to other OA members. The deadline to submit your…
Service is the name of this fellow’s game
When I came into the rooms 9 years ago, I heard folks say “do service!” but I had no idea what this meant. In those early days, I learned that anything one does to help the meeting or another fellow is “service.” So, putting away chairs is “service?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been struck with the…
2025 calendar released
Below is a pdf version of Region 6’s calendar of important dates. It is released — and updated when needed throughout — each year. For users who prefer, all dates are on the Region 6 electronic calendar, which also has dates of workshops, retreats, and other items of interest. Anyone may add events to the…
WSBC Decision Changes Wording of Anonymity Statement
Delegates at the 2013 World Service Business Conference voted to approve the following changes to the Anonymity Statement originally adopted by the 1980 Conference. Please bring this new change to your group. WSBC Policy 1980b (Amended 2013) An anonymity statement was adopted: Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our program, always ensuring principles before personalities….
Trustee’s Letter Spring 2018
Hi! My name is Beth B. and I’m a compulsive overeater. I also find myself serving as the new Region 6 trustee, to my surprise! A trustee from another region encouraged me at WSBC to apply for the position, which I was willing to do, and since then things have been moving very quickly! …