Service is the name of this fellow’s game

When I came into the rooms 9 years ago, I heard folks say “do service!” but I had no idea what this meant. In those early days, I learned that anything one does to help the meeting or another fellow is “service.” So, putting away chairs is “service?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been struck with the notion that putting away chairs is SERVICE?!

I had been in denial about my disease before I came into the rooms. I’m not terminally unique (but I thought I was!). Anyway, as I continued to volunteer for service at practically every meeting I attended, I noticed a shift.

When I’ve felt like Higher Power is far away, or I’ve wanted to isolate, I do service. Suddenly, I’m no longer focusing on me, I’m no longer isolating. I’m with my fellows and I’m focusing on them. Any form of service that helps another member adds to my own recovery. Doing service = showing up for meetings, sharing to claim your seat (especially when you don’t want to), and helping others.

Is it hard to juggle a full-time job, a family, attending OA meetings, and doing service at the group, intergroup, region, and world levels? Absolutely, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am a better person today for the service I do.

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