Qu'est-ce que c'est “Douzième Étape Dans”?

La «douzième étape intérieure» dans Overeaters Anonymous fait référence à la transmission du message de rétablissement à ceux qui font déjà partie de la communauté OA mais qui souffrent toujours de comportements alimentaires compulsifs.. Cela inclut les membres qui sont en rechute ou ceux qui ont pu prendre une pause dans le programme et les réunions..

The primary purpose of the Twelfth Step Within is to address issues of relapse and membership retention. The message that is carried to these members is one of hope. The Twelfth Step Within Committee is responsible for accumulating ideas and information, responding to requests from intergroups and fellow members for information related to this committee, and encouraging the formation of Twelfth Step Within Committees at the intergroup level.

Every year on December 12 (12/12), OA hosts International Twelfth Step Within Day. The purpose of this day is to encourage OA service bodies, réunions, and individual members to reach out to those within our fellowship who are still suffering with compulsive eating behaviors.

What does this mean if you’re in Region 6?

La Région 6 Assembly has a Twelfth Step Within committee. If you are a delegate, you can request to join this committee. The Twelfth Step Within committee webpage has great resources on helping your fellow: 12ème étape Dans – La Région 6 des Outremangeurs Anonymes (oaregion6.org)

What do people do for the Twelfth Step Within Day?

The 12th Step Within for Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is about carrying the message of recovery to those who are already in the fellowship, particularly those who are suffering from relapse. Here are some ways you can help:
Reach out: Connect with members who are in relapse or those who have taken a break from meetings. They may be in need of a caring connection and your support
Form a committee: Encourage the formation of Twelfth Step Within Committees at the Intergroup level to deal directly with requests for information
Share resources: Provide resources for relapse prevention and recovery available on the Region 6 site Web: 12ème étape Dans – La Région 6 des Outremangeurs Anonymes (oaregion6.org)
Parrainage: Offer to be a sponsor or help connect members with sponsors
Participate in meetings: Attend and participate in Recovery from Relapse meetings
Celebrate Twelfth Step Within Day: Participate in OA’s International Twelfth Step Within Day on December 12 each year, which encourages members to reach out to those within the Fellowship who are still suffering

Remember, the primary purpose of the Twelfth Step Within is to carry the message of hope to those who still suffer within the OA fellowship. Your service can make a world of difference, “for that we are responsible.”

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