Débat sur la limite du mandat
L'une des dernières mesures envisagées par la conférence était d'ajouter des limites de mandat aux administrateurs.. Cela a été proposé comme amendement aux statuts:
“Trustees shall be elected at the annual WorldService Business Conference for a period of three
années. Trustees may be elected at any annual Conference in order to fill the remaining term created by a vacancy except as specified in Section 7.
Trustees shall serve no more thaneightnineconsecutiveannées. A candidate may not run for election at the World Service Business Conference if serving the full term of the proposed office would result in that candidate serving on the Board of Trustees for more thaneightnineconsecutiveyears.”
The measure was debated and then amended three times, which sent the measure to the reference committee. The reference committee returned with two changes. Instead of nine years, it proposed making the limit 10 années.
In addition, following on an amendment made and then withdrawn before the matter was referred to reference, it added this proviso:
Trustees elected at , or prior to, Conférence mondiale de services aux entreprises 2024 shall retain their current term.
A concern was expressed that, without something like that, Bob F would not be able to take his position, et Région 6 would be assigned a trustee liaison less familiar with the region.
Two broader concerns I heard expressed: une) If younger people choose to serve as trustees, they could potentially be barred from serving again on the board, even, say, 20 ou 30 years later, and b) that potential new candidates to the board might be intimidated from running by the prospect of facing “old pros.”
The proposal failed by a raised-hand vote that was neither unanimous or particularly close.