Bourses dans une année virtuelle

The next Conférence mondiale de services aux entreprises (WSBC) se tiendra virtuellement en mai 4-10, 2025.

Cette année, La Région 6 offrira des bourses pour couvrir les frais d'inscription uniquement à la conférence, car il n'y aura pas de frais de déplacement.

  • The cost of registration is $249 NOUS.
  • The deadline for applications is October 1, 2024.
  • Intergroups may apply for more than one scholarship.
  • Scholarships will be awarded for all first choices based on funds available.
  • Should there be funds remaining after all first choices have been awarded, we would then grant second choices and subsequently third choices as funds remain available.

It is the policy of OA to have intergroups use one form to apply to their regions for both region and World Service Office (WSO) funds to attend WSBC if financial support is needed, and this year is no exception.

We encourage intergroups to apply for delegate support funds but please do not pay for registrations before January, when Region 6 will makes its decisions. Should your intergroup not be awarded funds from Region 6, your application will be forwarded to WSO. Again, there is only one application to complete, and the deadline is October 1st.

To get the application, cliquez ici. Please send a completed application to by midnight on October 1st.

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