Planification pour Albany

La Région 6 assemblies take place at the Hilton Garden Inn Albany Medical Center.

Donc, tu viens à l'Assemblée pour la première fois? Super!
Notre hôtel est au cœur d'Albany, New York, la capitale de l'État. En plus d'assister aux réunions de rétablissement, la réunion du comité qui vous a été assignée, et les séances plénières du samedi, here are some tips and tricks to enjoy some of your time away from home.
Hotel details
Check-in starts at 3 pm and checkout ends at noon.
All rooms have refrigerators, microwaves, and coffee makers. Aussi, the hotel has a coffee shop on the ground floor.
Breakfast is NOT included in the hotel room rate. The Garden Grille, on the second floor near the reception desk, is open for breakfast from 7 -11 un m; there are both a a buffet and a menu to choose from.
The Recovery Sports Grill, on the first floor, is open 11:30 am-10pm on Friday and Saturday.This is subject to change. (Aucun, they didn’t change the name of their restaurant just for us; they always call it that.)
The hotel has a swimming pool, a fitness center and guest laundry.
Recovery meetings
We have reserved the Touhey Boardroom for an OA meeting on Friday night (8:15- 9:15) and Saturday morning, 7:45-8:45. Attendees will select a leader and topic of their choice. These meetings have a special flavor, in that you can hear other fellows’ stories and have fellowship with other OA members in Region 6.
Sights and restaurant details
The Discovery Albany visitors’ guide, operated by the Albany Convention Bureau, provides restaurant and other information. The bureau also offers the information in an app. Apple app store. Google Play.

(Editor’s note:  dans 2024, the spring Assembly is April 5-6. The fall Assembly is Sept. 20-21.

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